Feng-Yu Wang, Jhih-Ci Li, Jyun-Wei Shih, and Ya-Tang Yang (2024, Nov). Locomotion control of a fish robot of four degree of freedom based on Kuramoto model . The 21th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2024), November 22-24, 2024., Taipei, Taiwan. NSTC 113-2218-E- 007-019.
Ya-Tang Yang, Feng-Yu Wang, Jhih-Ci Li, and Jyun-Wei Shih (2024, Oct). Q ROBOT : A LOW COST CRAWING ROBOT FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN REAL-WORLD REINFORCEMENT LEARNING. 第29屆人 工智慧與應用研討會, TAAI 2024, 新竹,台灣. NSTC 113-2218-E-007-019. 本論文 獲得 TAAI 頒發 The runner-up paper award.
Ya-Tang Yang, Jyun-Wei Shih, Feng-Yu Wang and Jhih-Ci Li (2024, Oct). Fish robot locomotion control using central pattern generator based on Kuramoto oscillator model. 第29屆人工智慧與應用研討會 TAAI 2024, 新竹, 台灣. NSTC 113-2218-E-007-019.
Ya-Tang Yang, Jhih-Ci Li, Feng-Yu Wang, Jhih-Hao, Lai, Jheng-Lin Lin, and Jyun-Wei Shih (2024, Aug). Myriapod robot locomotion control using central pattern generator based on Kuramoto oscillator model. Proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS), November 20-22, 2024, Nagoya, Japan. , 日本 名古屋. NSTC 113-2218-E-007-019.
Cheng, Y.-C.; Huang, W.-H.; Lo, S.-C.; Huang, E.; Chiang, E.-P.I.; Huang, C.-C.; Yang, Y.-T. Conversion of Escherichia coli intoMixotrophic CO2 AssimilationwithMalate and Hydrogen Based on Recombinant Expression of 2-Oxoglutarate:Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase Using Adaptive Laboratory Evolution. Microorganisms 2023, 11, 253.
Yang Y-T and Ho T-Y (2021) Conquering the Tyranny of Number With Digital Microfluidics. Front. Chem. 9:676365.doi: 10.3389/fchem.2021.676365. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2021.676365
Lo, S.-C.; Chiang, E.-P.I.; Yang, Y.-T.; Li, S.-Y.; Peng, J.-H.; Tsai, S.-Y.;Wu, D.-Y.; Yu, C.-H.; Huang, C.-H.; Su, T.-T.; et al. Growth Enhancement Facilitated by Gaseous CO2 through Heterologous Expression of Reductive Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Genes in Escherichia coli. Fermentation 2021, 7, 98.
Ya-Tang Yang*, Kyoko Namura, Meng-Chia Tsai, and Motofumi Suzuki, “Suppression of photothermal convection using silicon carbide substrates for optofluidics experiments“,Results in Engineering, 6, 100097, 2020. (Collaboration with Kyoto University)
Ding-Shun Lin, Chih-Hsieh Lee, and Ya-Tang Yang*, “Wireless bioreactor for anaerobic cultivation of bacteria,” Biotechnology Progress, 2020.
Zhenzhen Chen*, Sze Bi Hsu, and Ya-Tang Yang THE CONTINUOUS MORBIDOSTAT: A CHEMOSTAT WITH CONTROLLED DRUG APPLICATION TO SELECT FOR DRUG RESISTANCE MUTANTS,” Communications o pure and applied analysis., 19, 203-220, 2020.
Yu Hao Guo, Chih-Hsieh Lee, and Ya-Tang Yang*, “A Versatile Kit Based on Digital Microfluidics Droplet Actuation for Science Education,” Journal of Visualized Experiments, e61978, 2020.
Hsieh-Ting-Yang Cheng, Shou-Chen Lo, and Chieh-Chen Huang , Tsung-Yi Ho and Ya-Tang Yang* “Detailed profiling of carbon fixation of in silico synthetic autotrophy with reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle and Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle in Esherichia coli using hydrogen as an energy source”, Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology, 4, 165-172, 2019. (*corresponding author)
Zhenzhen Chen, Sze-Bi Hsu and Ya-Tang Yang*, “The continuous morbidostat: a chemostat with drug on and off feedback for drug resistance of bacteria,” SIAM J. Appl. Math., 77(2), 470–499, 2018. (IF: 1.698)
Teuta Pilizota and Ya-Tang Yang*, “ ‘Do it Yourself’ microbial cultivation techniques for synthetic and system biology: cheap, fun and flexible, Front. Microbiol. 9:1666. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01666, 2018. (IF= 4.019) (與愛丁堡大學合作的論文)
Z. Chen, S. B. Hsu, and Y. T. Yang, “The morbidostat: a bioreactor that promotes selectino for drug resistant in bacteria, “, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 77(2), 470–499, (2017).
H. Wang and Y. T. Yang, “Mini photobioreactors for in vivo, real time characterization and evolutionary tuning of bacterial optogenetic circuit”, ACS Synthetic Biology, 2017.
D. Bhalothia and Y. T. Yang, Trapping of micro and nano particles in nano plasmonic optical lattice,” J. Vis. Exp. 127, e56151, 2017.
T.-P. Yang, G. Yossifon and Y.-T. Yang*,“Characterization of the near-field and convectional transport behavior of micro and nano particles in nanoscale plasmonic optical lattices,” Biomicrofluidics, 10, 034102 (2016).
P. Cheng Liu, Yi-Tai Li, Chun Ying Wang and Ya-Tang Yang*,“Design and use of a low cost, automated morbidostat for adaptive evolution of bacteria under antibiotic drug selection,” J Vis Exp. 2016 Sep 27;(115). doi: 10.3791/54426.
Y. C. Chen, G. Yossifon, and Y. T. Yang, “Suppression of photothermal convection of microparticles in two dimensional nanoplasmonic optical lattice,” 109, 201111, Appl. Phys. Lett., (2016).
Y-T Yang and C. Y. Wang, “Review of microfluidic photobioreactor technology for metabolic engineering and synthetic biology of cyanobacteria and microalage”, Micromachines, 7(10), 185, (2016).
J. S. Huang and Ya-Tang Yang*, “The origin and future of plasmonic optical tweezer,” Nanomaterials, 5, 1048-1065, 2015.
G. Y. Gue, Y.-W. Li, C. C. Chiang and Y. T. Yang* “A microfluidic nanoliter serial dilution bioreactor,” Biomicrofluidics, 9, 044126, 2015.
S. B. Hsu and Y. T. Yang* “Theory of a microfluidic serial dilution bioreactor,” J. Math Biology, doi.10.1007, 2015.
Ya-Tang Yang, “Tracking the transport of nanoparticles in a plasmonic optical lattice,” Technical article, SPIE Newsroom, 2015.
Ting-Rong Yu and Ya-Tang Yang*, “Thermomechanical noise of polydimethylsiloxane microcantilevers fabricated by multilayer soft lithography,” AIP Advaces, Vol 3, 032103 (2013).
K. Y. Chen, A. T. Lee, C. C. Hung, J. S. Huang* and Ya-Tang*, “Transport and trapping and in a two dimensional nanoscale plasmonic optical lattice,” Nano Lett., 13, 4118-4122, 2013.
Publication prior to NTHU:
Y.-T. Yang, et al. “Vibration dynamics of tapered optical fiber probes,” Journal of Appl. Phys., Vol 81 No. 4, pp 1623-1627, 1997. (25 Citation)
Y. T. Yang, et al. “Monocrystalline silicon carbide nanoelectromechanical systems,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol 78, pp.162, 2001. (128 Citations)
K. L. Ekinci, Y. -T. Yang, X. M. H. Huang, and M. L. Roukes, “Balanced electronic detection of displacement in nanoelectromechanical systems,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 81, No. 12, pp. 2254-2255, 2002. (46 Citation)
P. Mohanty, D. A. Harrington, K. L. Ekinci, Y. -T. Yang, M. J. Murphy, “Intrinsic dissipation in high frequency micromechanical resonators,” Physical Review B, Vol. 66 No. 8, article no 085416, 2002.
K. L. Ekinci, Y. -T. Yang, and M. L. Roukes, “Ultimate limits to inertial mass sensing based upon nanoelectromechanical systems,” Journal of Appl. Phys. Vol. 95, No. 5, pp. 2682-2689, 2004. (203 Citations)
X. L. Feng, C. Callegari, Y. T. Yang, and M. L. Roukes, “Ultra high frequency phase-locked loop of nanoelectromechanical systems,” ASME conference Pasadena, 2004.
Y. T. Yang, C. Callegari, X. L. Feng, K. L. Eknici, and M. L. Roukes “Zeptogram scale nanomechancal mass sensing, “ Nano Lett., Vol 6, No. 4, pp. 583-586, 2006. (> 500 Citations)
Y. T. Yang, T. K. Won, S. Y. Choi, et al., “The latest plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition technology for large-size processing,” Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.386-391, 2007.
Y. T. Yang, et al., “Low temperature a-Si TFT on soda lime glass, ” SID 08 Digest pp. 1465-1467, 2008.
Y. T. Yang, et al. “Amorphous-silicon thin film transistor on soda-lime glass,” Journal of Society of Information Display Vol. 17, No 4, pp. 317-321, 2009. (invited)
Y. T. Yang, C. Callegari, X. L. Feng, and M. L. Roukes, “Surface Adsorbate Fluctuations and Noise in Nanoelectromechanical Systems,” Nano Lett., Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 1753-1759, 2011. (2 Citations.)
Conference paper and presentation:
[C1] Hong-Jun Yu, Chih-Chung Chiang, Ting-Rong Yu, and Ya-Tang Yang, “Design and fabrication of a microfluidic single cell rheometer chip for cell mechanics measurement,” AMN (Advances in Micro and Nanofluidics) 2012, Dalian, China.
[C2] K. Y. Chen, A.T. Lee, C. C. Hung, Jer-Shing Huang, and Ya-Tang Yang, “Brownian particle in a plasmon enhanced optical potential of the washboard type,”AMN (Advances in Micro and Nanofluidics) 2013, Notre Dame, US.
[C3] K. Y. Chen, A.T. Lee, C. C. Hung, Jer-Shing Huang, and Ya-Tang Yang, “Plasmon enhanced nanoscale trapping in a two dimensional optical lattice,” CLEO 2013, San Jose, US.
[C4] K. Y. Chen, A.T. Lee, C. C. Hung, Jer-Shing Huang, and Ya-Tang Yang, “Tweezing nanoparticles in two dimensional plasmon-enhanced optical lattice,” Optofluidic 2013, Hong Kong.
[C5] C. C. Chiang, S. B. Hsu, and Ya-Tang Yang, “A versatile nano liter microfluidic chemostat for cyclic growth of bacteria,” IEEE NEMS 2014, Honolulu, US.
[C6] C. C. Chiang, S. B. Hsu, and Ya-Tang Yang, “A nano liter scale microchemostat for cyclic growth of bacteria,” AMN (Advances in Micro and Nanofluidics) 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.
[C7] C. C. Hung, Jer-Shing Huang, and Ya-Tang Yang, “Trapping and transport in nanoscale plasmonic optical lattice in microfluidic environments,” AMN (Advances in Micro and Nanofluidics) 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.
[C8] C. C. Hung, Jer-Shing Huang, and Ya-Tang Yang, “Optical trapping of nanoscale plasmonic optical lattice in microfluidic environments,” SPIE Optical manipulation and trapping 2014, San Diego, US.
[C9] C. C. Chiang, S. B. Hsu, and Ya-Tang Yang, “Microfluidic biofilm flow reactor,”3rd International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE 2014) in Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
[C10] Ya-Tang Yang, C. C. Hung, Tsang-Po Yang, and Jer-Shing Huang, “Characterization of transport and trapping behavior of nanoparticles in a simple square nanoscale plasmonic optical lattice, “the 7th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP7), Jeruselum, Israel.
[C11] Guo-Yue Gu Yi-Wei Lee, and Ya-Tang Yang, “Microfluidic nanoliter serial dilution bioreactor,” Advances in Microfluidics Nanofluidics (AMN 2015), Beijing, China.
[C12] Tsang-Po Yang, Jer-Shing Huang, and Ya-Tang Yang, “Characterization of photothermally induced convection of nano particles in plasmonic optical lattice,” Advances in Microfluidics Nanofluidics (AMN 2015), Beijing, China.
[C13] Yi-Chong Chen and Ya-Tang Yang, “Freezing photothermal convection in plasmonic optical lattice,”International Conference Nanophotonics(ICNP), Taipei, Taiwan.
[C14] Ya-Tang Yang, “Microfluidic nanoliter photobioreactor for cyanobacteria,” Optofluidics, 2016. (invited)